
Virtual Recruiting During COVID-19

We are all facing an unprecedented challenge amid the COVID-19 outbreak. Organizations are working hard to protect their staff as employees are adjusting to working from home while dealing with school closures. Job seekers wonder if they’ll be able to find a new position, and employers have to change the way they hire.

First and foremost, INNOVA People hope that you remain healthy, and you are following all the necessary recommendations to stop the spread of this virus. We’re here to help. Our team is on call if you’re looking for guidance while transitioning to a “socially distant” recruiting model.

Here are some resources and best practices for virtual recruiting.


HR managers are quickly adjusting recruitment strategies. The time is now to move to a virtual recruitment plan — one that protects both employees and candidates and eliminates risk while continuing to drive hiring efforts.

While virtual interviewing can be different, experts say it’s not an obstacle and doesn’t take away from the interviewing experience. Joel Slenning, President of Strategic Talent Acquisition at INNOVA People, says, “Virtual interviewing can be a beneficial and thorough way of conducting the interview process. I recommend having an interactive experience by sharing screens and having candidates show their work, showcase their capabilities right on the screen with a challenge question, or coding example, etc..”

Save-time to hire

Video functionality lets you quickly schedule interviews with in-demand candidates who are in the final stages of a competing offer, live out of town, have limited availability to come in for an in-person interview, or require an interview team with demanding schedules. You will lose most of the candidates who are in high demand during the late stages of your recruitment process if your hiring process is slow.

Keep it Simple

If you aren’t sure what video conferencing tools to use, start by keeping it simple, consider what tools are already in place: GoToMeeting, Skype, Google Hangouts, Zoom, etc. can all be triaged into adequate video interviewing tools. If you need to think about solutions geared towards recruitment (so they’ll be more agreeable with your ATS, are built with compliance in mind, and more comfortable to schedule out of, etc.), there are a lot of options.

Get Familiar with your Video Conferencing Tools

Become familiar with the video conferencing tools and practice using them before the interview to avoid any day-of technical glitches.

Choose the Right Location

You may be in a makeshift home office but take some time to scout out the perfect location in your home to conduct a video call—preferably one that is well-lit with natural light and quiet.

Give Candidates a Heads-up

Give candidates a heads-up via an email from your ATS or a personalized email from your recruiter. Let them know that you are trying out or adopting video interviewing and why. Explain the benefits: convenience, reduction in travel needs, health/safety (in this current Coronavirus environment).

Dress as You Would at the Office

While it’s tempting to stay in sweats when you’re working from home, interviewers and candidates should make an effort to look professional. We recommend dressing as you would for an in-person interview.

For more tips and information to help see your business through the new virtual working landscape, contact us today.