
Archives for March 2, 2022

Top Podcasts for the Tech Professional

Yeah, we know it seems like everyone has launched a podcast. Still, according to the numbers, people are tuning in at record levels.

With over 504,000 podcasts available – it can be challenging for the around 104 million podcast listeners to narrow down their choices. To save you from scrolling endlessly here’s a list of podcasts focused on business and technology that we think are worth tuning in.

Master of Scale Masters of Scale is an original podcast hosted by Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn and Greylock Partners investor. Reid shows how companies grow from zero to a gazillion in each episode, testing his theories with legendary leaders. Masters of Scale is the first American media program to commit to gender balance for guests and the 2018 People’s Voice Webby for Best Business Podcast recipient.

This Week in Tech: This Week in Tech (TWiT) is the #1 ranked flagship technology podcast from TWiT.tv. Every Sunday, Leo Laporte and a roundtable of tech experts and journalists discuss current tech news, trends, and niche topics in the tech industry.

TED Radio Hour: Created and hosted by Guy Raz and co-produced with NPR, the TED Radio Hour is a weekly podcast where Raz discusses various topics with top thinkers, scientists, artists, and visionaries. Topics include: “How can we fight burnout with purposeful rest?”, “How can we stay relevant in an increasingly automated workforce?”, “Why rethinking our ideas means we’re growing,” and many more.

The Future of Everything  This weekly Wall Street Journal podcast hosted by Janet Babin offers a comprehensive look at how science and technology affect our daily lives and how developing trends shape our world. Topics include AI, cyber-attacks, mobile payment apps, smart cities, the blockchain, and a zero-carbon future.

How I Built This Another Guy Raz gem – How I Built This dives into the stories behind some of the world’s best-known companies. You’ll hear the journey of innovators and entrepreneurs like Andy Puddicombe and Rich Peirson of Headspace, Otis and Elizabeth Chandler of Goodreads, Telfar founders Telfar Clemens and Babak Radboy, and so many more. The podcast airs every Monday and Tuesday.