
4 Morning Habits for a Thriving and Productive Work Day

Entrepreneur Wayne Huizenga once said, “Some people dream of success, while other people get up every morning and make it happen.”

A productive day begins with a purposeful morning. There’s a lot of science to back your morning routine and the power to set your day on a positive, productive course. 

In a commencement address Steve Jobs gave at Stanford back in 2005, he shared the motivational tactic he used to start every day.

For the past 33 years, I have looked in the mirror every morning and asked myself: “If today were the last day of my life, would I want to do what I am about to do today?” And whenever the answer has been no for too many days in a row, I know I need to change something.

Admittedly, everyone’s situation is different, and each day is unique, so the goal isn’t to develop a script that’s confining or overly rigid. Instead, step back and ask yourself if your mornings are working for you and if not, consider adopting some of these healthy morning habits.

Habit #1 – Wake up Early

While most of us are reaching for the snooze button, top achievers are getting a head start on the day. Start your morning with purpose. To begin, try waking up 15 minutes earlier and spend that time reflecting. For some, that means meditation or journaling. Give yourself that extra time to avoid starting your day rushed and under stress. 

Habit #2 – Practice Gratitude

Since you’ve got that journal out, jot down a few things you are grateful for. If journaling isn’t your thing, there are many ways to practice gratitude. Send a thank-you email, repeat an inspirational message, or count three good things each day. 

Science has shown that practicing this habit promotes positive emotions, well-being, and health. 

Habit #3 – Exercise

There’s a long list of benefits to exercise that improve not only your health but also your work performance; improved concentration, a sharper memory, prolonged mental stamina, enhanced creativity, and lowered stress. 

Make time for exercise. Your energy level is the foundation that determines how much you can get done in the day, so get moving in the morning. If an hour-long routine seems too intimidating, try running, dancing in your living room, or even walking around the neighborhood for at least ten minutes.

Habit #4 – Tough Tasks First

It is a concept suggested by Brian Tracy, author of the book Eat That Frog.

In the morning, our motivation and focus are at the highest point. So, this is the best time to take advantage of it – do your most challenging task, your “frog,” first. This way, you’re more likely to complete it, and it sets the tone for the rest of the day. 

Instead of opening your laptop while still in your pajamas, try out some of these routines first. They may just become part of your morning routine.